Friday, March 30, 2012

Shots in ma arms, awkward flirting, Quinton kissing, niece's name.

The good and the bad-

G-Coming home
B- my grandparents weren't here when i got here
G- they were just at Costco getting samples so I got to see them not too long after.
B- grandpa gave me a "whisker rub". Some things never change. :D
G- Going to Europe.
B- having to get 2 shots because i'm going there.
G-Not crying when i got shots.
B- my arms feel like steel balloons. Or lead weights... or something heavy that can hurt....
G- I got some sa-weet neon yellow bandaids!!
B- they only stayed on for 30 minutes before falling off
G-I got to do sara's family pictures!! and the light was beautiful!!
B-lifting my arms to take picture for 2 hours did not help the whole arms hurting thing
G- Apparently moving them around and flexing seems to make them feel better.
B-people might mistaken this as me doing the chicken dance
G-speaking of chicken, My fam got KFC tonight.
B- by the time i got there they were all done
G- I have for sure figured out my baby niece's name. :D
B- Ashleigh isn't too thrilled about this
G- Nathan thinks it's hilarious that I know.
B- Ashleigh hasn't had her yet.
G-I got to see her nursery.
G- Coming home when my brother was here and having him give me a creeper look and said, "can I give you a big smooch?"
B- He actually did it.
G-it made me laugh
B- he pinched my shot arms and said toughen up
G-i punched him for it.
B- it hurt my arms worse than him touching them
G-Sara and I went to wendy's tonight with this guy friend of hers.
B-I'm pretty certain he thought i was insane
G- I'm not insane, just tired and got shots which is making me feel slightly weird and achy.
B- I am kinda weird......
G- My grandma brought me a waaaaay cute picnic blanket.
B- I have no love life anymore, therefore no man to bring on a pic nic.
G- I attempted to flirt a few nights ago.
B- Betsy said it was way awkward.
G- I didn't think he was cute anyway.....
B- I have to learn how to do some things I used to do again.
G- Ash keeps telling me I look skinny
B- I haven't really lost more weight since last time i saw her...
G- at least i look thinner.
B- this blog is a million years long
G- I'm ending it now.


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