Monday, March 5, 2012

Funny Weekend Stories

This weekend was all around pretty funny.
I'm now going to share a few of them for you.

  • I was making a few hundred cupcakes with my mom for ash's baby shower and I was goofing off and she said, "let's get down to business now." So, naturally, I start singing, "Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns!" She doesn't say anything. About 5 minutes later {she thinks it was only 30 seconds but that's false. My story is more correct....} she excitedly says, "MULAN! that song is from Mulan." haha. it was great. I said, "you're so cool, mom" She responds, "I was thinking it was from Cinderella but then I changed my mind." haha. classic.
  • Quinton at dinner tonight- Dad was talking about politics I do believe. Nothing out of the ordinary. Q says, "did you know that the unemployment rate in Japan is .01%?". Dad- "Last year at this time it was 16%! where did you hear that?" Q-"I saw it somewhere." Dad-"are you sure?" Q-"Oh, wait. Maybe that was the illiteracy rate...." Ashleigh cracked up so hard. Nathan had to calm her down 'cause he was scared her baby would come. haha
  • Sunday school lesson today. I went to my dad's sunday school class. he teaches the 14 and 15 year olds I believe...? Anyways. several funny things happened here. First-One of the kids was bragging about how he kissed a cheerleader after the state championship basketball game because he promised if Orem won {GO TIGERS!} he would. something along those lines. So we find that he kissed her on the cheek. what a super star! haha. Another kid said somthing like "You're not 16! you can't date yet!" and kissing on cheek kid said, "I just kissed her, I didn't date her!" other kid- "lucky, my mom says i'm not allowed to kiss till i'm 18!" Wow. To be that young again. I don't envy them. Super awkward stage in life. Here's the thing though {attention men of all ages}- If you're going to kiss a girl, you should at least make it a good one! {but not till your mom says you can, of course.... :P}
  • the other funny part of sunday school was something my dad said. For some reason he was talking about the bomb shelters and the drills they did when he was in high school and he said, "They'd give us this biscuit that tasted like it had been run over by a truck on the cement and had enough iodine in it that would help your thyroid not fall out in case of a nuclear bomb. Also they'd give you a cough drop that had enough sugar in it that would allow you to survive for 72 hours." I don't know where he comes up with some things. But, the kids totally believe him.... even though i'm 90% sure myself that it was made up.....?
  • In sacrament meeting I was watching the little kids most of the time. I forget how distracting a family ward is compared to the dead silence of student wards. This little boy {about 2 probably} was playing with this girl {barely walking so around a year old} sitting on the bench behind him and they were getting too loud so the mom of the boy pulled him away and told him he needed to be "more reverent". He started crying and said relatively loud, "But I love her!" Oh, my, lucky, stars. How incredibly cute is that??? He's going to grow up to be a romantic! It was quiet frankly the cutest thing i've seen in a long time. I hope they get married one day. 
  • at Ashleigh's baby shower, Quinton was helping to set up. Mom told Em and I to bring a baby picture as part of the shower thing. Quinton heard this and decided to bring his entire baby album. So while mom was setting the food table up, He proceeds to set up a whole chalkboard ledge full of his baby pictures. It was fantastic. Mom saw them and told him we didn't need a Quinton shrine at Ashleigh's baby shower. he said, and I quote, "Mom, I'm sure they will really want to see how cute I was as a baby." haha. And she got distracted and forgot to make him take it down, so they were up the whole shower. :D

So you can see. Here he is with his baby pictures.
 I'm not sure if he's pretending to be
a baby here, or if he's just acting weird.
Maybe all of the above?...

  • There's at least 3-5 more. But, I think that's long enough for now.

**proud aunt moment time**

Caitlin told me at the baby shower that she changed her favorite color to Orange because that's my favorite color. *beaming*

Tonight at dinner Emilie asked if she could sit by her and she said "I want to sit by Brianna" 
being the favorite aunt- CHECK! 

This is one thing I got for my un-born, but incredibly beautiful niece-
"I love my aunt" In the heart it says,
"Incredible, beautiful, smart" and
underneath it says, "*contact info
available upon request."
:D So true. 

P.S. I went to Disneyland too..... {grandma, I really didn't}

Congrats to anyone who read that whole thing!
I'm pretty sure that Emilie is the only one who made it this far though. It was a novel of a post. And she loves novels. 

Well, It's time for bed.

1 comment:

Mel & Ky said...

Silly girl I always read them! I love hearing bout life at usu :) I miss all you guys up there!