Friday, May 11, 2012

weird things about here

Weird things people do here-

  • they keep there eggs on the shelf. {not in the fridge}.... i'm concerned for my health
  • they call everyone their "love" or  their "darling" {for instance- I tripped on a cobbled road thing [like 10 times... i need to "mind" my feet] and nearly knocked over this, may I add attractive guy, and i said, "ssssss ss sorry." and he said, "no worries, my love". and I replied,  "I will be your love!"  just kidding mom. i didn't say that. following your advice, I'm not talking to boys here. :P }
  • they don't say hi. like they keep to themselves.
  • everyone smokes
  • people use the F word more than they do any other word x10.
  • leaving the tube it says "way out" instead of "exit"
  • instead of "watch your step" people say "mind the gap"


Mel & Ky said...

My mom grew up on a farm...they left their eggs on the counter too.

Tina said...

I am still alive and we kept our eggs in the cupboard growing up:) Your posts are making me homesick. Have a lovely time my love:)