Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Adventures of finals week round 5- sun tanning, duck feeding, and packing

I slept in today! first day in I don't even know how long! It was magnificent. I told myself that I would get up early to get some packing done, but I didn't.

it's the afro ducky!!

look how babalicious she looks with her shorts and cowgirl boots!
But, I mailed off the CD of the wedding I did a few weekends ago. If you want to see the preview, go here. I am in love with the bountiful temple this spring. It was gorgeous!

Then i went to a park with Natalie and Allison and we had lunch and then took a nap in the sun. It was incredibly nice. And now I'm tan. ha! I wish. I'm still white.

We fed the ducks afterwards and then I came home and became productive.
my walls went from this
my bed is so so so comfy you guys.
I love pillows and poofy blankets and comforters.

to this

don't mind all my different patterned
 pillows and un-made bed.

and then I wanted to cry just a little. Because It's so so so sad to move! especially knowing I won't be living with my BFFFFFFF next year because she's getting wed. It's going to be a rough goodbye on saturday morning. :'(

p.s. It's Gemma's 1-month birthday!!!

she's showing off her muscles here and
her curly hair. what an angel!

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