Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In case you were wondering.....

I'm a big fan of my institute class. 

Here are some things that stuck out to me in the lesson that were good reminders for me.

If we allow God to guide is in our lives, we can do much more with it than we can on our own.
This, my friends, I'll admit, is hard for me sometimes. I like being in control of my life and when things don't go the way I want them to or plans change, I have a hard time. But, it's always good to be reminded I can do more with my life if He's guiding me than I can do with the little knowledge I have.

Stop letting fear govern your life. Start letting your faith guide it.
I loved this! Life's kind of scary sometimes. I feel like the more you strive to have faith the more it will grow. I need to have my faith grow.

Don't choose to be happy based on circumstances, choose to be happy all the time.
Also one that I need work on. Especially this semester, I fear.

In all things commanded, the Lord will provide a way.
ALL things.

And finally,

Create a "to be" list rather than a "to do" list.

I have never thought of this. But I like it

I've never had an institute class as big as this! Although I'm pretty sure it's a fire hazard as to how many people are in the classroom! I think it's a class with 60 desks and is sort of like stadium seating. There were at least 15-20 people sitting on the stairs and in extra chairs around the room.} I guess word travels fast as to how good the class is! My normal institute classes from past semesters are usually around 20-25 kids.

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