Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First two days, blessing, and nothing to do but blog.

"Spring" semester has begun.

no exclamation marks.

I don't think it's going to be a bad semester. And i so far feel like it's going to be easier than last semester.... but none the less it's school.

and I love school. But i am kinda having a bad attitude starting out this semester and really need to change that muy rapido. I feel like i can make my semester better if i'm actually {even pretending} to be excited about it. So, it's a new semester! WOOT!

That's better. haha

Yesterday was the shortest day i think i've ever had in the history of me going to school ever. i had 2, 50 minute classes. And one doesn't count because it's Institute. Which there is no homework in ever. Well, minus the normal reading your scriptures and such. Which isn't much different than any normal day.
Public speaking class. umm.... Yeah, public speaking and I will have a love/hate relationship.
Because i want to be more confident in front of groups of people, i want to learn how present myself better, and i want to learn better persuasion skills. So, that is why i took this class {well... ya know, that and it fulfills 2 requirements in 1, and it's only a 2 day a week class which allowed me to have Fridays off of school.... but those were just a small deciding factor...}

Then i went to the gym. WOOT! This is going to be a normal occurrence to write on my blog now. Because i really need to start going more often. Betsy would try to get me to go with her last semester and usually it wouldn't work. But this semester, i'm going to go. Because i'm going to do it at the same time and day every week so it's like a class i'm in that i am going to tell myself i can't miss. Sometimes i use psychology on myself that'd never work if someone else tried to do on me.

I had nothing to do after 2. And i felt like i really needed to read my patriarchal blessing. If you don't know what this is, go here to learn more about what it is and how important it is. So, i went to grab it out of the manilla envelop i keep it in. but guess what? when packing this past summer i had grabbed the wrong envelope! instead of my blessing, it had a dumb high school award in it. So, instead of sending my mom searching through a box in the garage i called my grandparents because my grandpa made a copy of it to keep with other family's blessings. My grandma found it after a minute and read it to me over the phone. I laid on my bed, closed my eyes and just listened. I haven't listened to it since i got it on my 16th birthday {also the day president Hinckley died}. I'd read it several times, but never have listened to it. I love that every time i read it/listen to it i pick new things out that i'd never seen before. or some things have very different meanings to me. It was really really good to hear it and remember the blessings that are in store for me if i do what is right and keep the commandments.

***random side note.
I have missed the laughter of my roommates. Natalie has the BEST laugh out of anyone i've ever heard. she'll seriously laugh over nothing and her laugh is so contagious that i will always, always always etc etc etc start laughing a lot over watching her laugh. I've missed that. My stomach has already hurt over laughing so hard from this twice in the last 2.5 days. haha. As much as i wish i was back at home right now, i really have missed my awesome roommates. It's so fun living with these girls and i'm glad i get the opportunity to have them as friends. :D***

today. I woke up with plenty of time to get ready. knowing that i had plenty of time made me take my time. and guess what, i ran out of time and didn't finish my top romen for breakfast. {don't judge, i love non-breakfast things for breakfast} and still had time to get to school on time. but guess what? some big shot who runs the Aggie Bus shuttles thought they'd pretend it was April fools day and cancel one of the busses on south campus express. {just kidding i don't really know what happened} but here's the thing. that was the bus i needed to take! and i would have taken the other bus that goes close to the fine arts building but the bus for campus loop didn't show up either! so here i am, thinking for sure the bus would come for 20 minutes. finally, i decided {at 5 minutes after my first class started} i'd just walk. and right when i started walking up the hill, the bus decided to come. so now, i look like some 7th grader on the first day of junior high running to their classes, trying to catch the bus because it'd end up being faster, instead of a dignified {haha....} junior in college gracefully taking the bus to her photo portfolio class.

let me just tell you. i wasn't too happy. why? because not-a-once have i ever been late to a photo class. why? Because i hate being late. the phrase "fashionably late" gives me the shivers. especially to things that matter like photo classes where i feel like i always have to show my professor that i really do deserve to be in the program.

so, first day of class. i walk in. the class is full. and of course, the only desk chair thing that is available is clear in the back so i have to walk through everyone. So not the best start to a semester.

This class is probably going to be my hardest class this semester.

Art history {second half of the survey of western art} I believe it's called "Renaissance to post-modern" or something like that. Which is really code for- want to fall asleep in class but can't because then i'd fail. I don't understand art history. Okay, so it's kinda cool to learn about old art, but what i don't like doing is analyzing it and comparing it and telling the symbolism and importance of it. {yes, i know, as an artist i'm supposed to "find the deeper meaning" in everything art.... but i just CANNOT.} Regardless, my professor talked today about "art historiography" which is the study and history of art history.
correct me if i'm wrong,  but art history is bad enough... why would anyone in their right mind WANT to study the history of art history. Seems a little... off... to me. I guess everyone has their thing... i'm just glad mine is different than art historiography. haha

next class- independent projects in photo-alternative cameras and processing. or something like that. This is going to be kinda cool. i get to build my own cameras! I feel as if it's going to cost me a lot though. but, i'm determined to spend the very least amount of money i possibly can this semester. going over the syllabus for this class took like 20 mins max, which leads me to why i'm blogging.
Because art classes are 3 hours, i have had a 2.5 hour break with nothing to do and didn't really feel like going home just to come back in a little bit.
my last class of the day is modern photo history. I like learning about photo history. it has something to do with what i am doing. Art history has little interest to me because i don't really care that much about drawings, sculptures, paintings, etc. except looking at them if they're pretty. I'm really excited to learn more about modern photo rather than about tin types and daguerreotypes and old processes. which are really cool {and am taking a class next semester learning how to do them all} but i'm interested in the newer stuff more probably.

Well, I'm off to go watch the bachelor on HULU because i still have tons of time to burn because i don't have homework beside textbook reading. and no textbooks have come in the mail for me yet. Which is bad, but i guess good too. cause i'd rather not read them yet.

p.s. i need a good adventure up here in Logan. Does anyone have any ideas?? I have way too much time right now which makes me go into Brianna's mode of over analyzing and stressing about things i don't have control over.

p.s.s. i had a pretty good dream on sunday night. :D

welp, I'm sure i'll blog again soon.


also, in case you were wondering, it is apx 16.5 days till i'm 20 years old. *big smiles*

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