I have officially reached the age of old.
I can't wait for the first time someone asks me how old I am so I can answer proudly, "I am 20 years OLD" :D
Quick! Someone ask me that question!
I woke up this morning with 8 texts saying something along the lines of "happy birthday" It was fantastic. :) haha
I called my mom about how i'm buying my ticket to europe this summer!!
I went to a meeting {sad to do that on my birthday, but gotta be an adult sometimes}
I came home and Allison says, "I neeeed to go to Hobby Lobby. Will you come with me?"
I said, certainly. I had nothing else to do till a lot later. Well, ya know, minus skyping with Taylor before he went to work. But the bum hadn't even texted or called me that morning yet! {which is actually a lie because he called me at exactly midnight and sang me happy birthday. He was happy that he was the first to wish me a happy birthday and to sing to me. haha}
So we end up going to lunch and then to Hobby Lobby. She got the one item she needed and then said, "I think we should look at this whole store!" So we wandered around for like half an hour and I was done with the store. I said, we should go before you end up spending more money and then she said, "let's look at the stickers." haha. so then, we looked at the stickers and more things and then out of nowhere, two hands cover my eyes from behind me and I had absolutely no idea who it would be. I thought it'd be someone I knew from school but this person let go, and I turned around and Behold Taylor, in all his handsomeness. Both he and Allison said that my face was priceless. He told me like 7 times at least! I didn't expect that at all!!
He's told me since Christmas break that he wouldn't be able to come up for my birthday because it was inventory time at work!
He said, when he told me that he wasn't coming the very first time he was lying and was planning on surprising me but then it really ended up being inventory but he told his boss that he was taking the day off no matter what. Cute, no? :D
So, Allison took a picture of us and I really like it. It was just on my phone so I could send it to the whole world to show how amazing he is. Okay, more like 5 people.

Betsy responded this. {I thought her reply was funny. She obviously was in cahoots with him} "Oh my stars ethel! k, so here's the thing. you guys can do all of the stuff you were gonna do next weekend today. i told everyone to buzz off so you can be with him, so don't worry about hanging out with allison or lauren or whoever. the only thing you have to be with us for is dinner tonight. okay punkin? So you two just go and do whatever and don't worry about anyone else."
I liked that reply. like a lot. :D
and that we did.
except the thing i wanted to do the most when he was going to come next weekend we couldn't do because there isn't enough snow! :'( maybe next time he comes there will be.
OH! and then i bought my plane ticket to Europe this summer! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! CRAZY!
But, clear back beginning of november I took some film pictures of him and we developed the film, but we never got to enlarging them. So, we went to the darkroom and Did just that. Definitely not my best work at all, because we weren't taking our time cause time was not something we had a lot of today. But it was fun. And we had the advanced darkroom to ourselves because it's still the beginning of the semester.
we took some pictures in there when we were done. here's two-
He thinks he looks drunk in this picture. So we
went for like round 5. but i liked my smile so i put it up |
this is the last one we took. and i think it's great. haha |
It was so fun. At least, I thought so. I am a fan that he enjoys letting me show him what I love to do. He even did some of it on his own. One day, after we practice a little more, he'll be a dandy darkroom assistant to me. :P

then we went bowling. We attempted to bowl a few different ways {even though Taylor reeeaaaaaaly doesn't like to do that at all.}he says, "I take my bowling seriously." haha. But that didn't work so well because Taylor could get strikes on even the weird bowling positions.
p.s. He won. {but, if you remember from last time we went bowling, I beat him BOTH games}
Taylor's mom called me and wished me a happy birthday too. It was sweet. :D She's so nice.
We had a litttle bit of time before we were meeting the group and we decided to go to the fun antique store. It is a great store. I asked the owner if she'd let me do some photo shoots in there and she said she wouldn't mind at all. It was probably Taylor's keen people skills that made her say yes.
{have I ever told you how this kid get's jobs??? Here's the shortened version- Hi, I'm Taylor, are you hiring? person at store-no we're not. Taylor-blah blah blah blah etc. person at store-would you be interested in being my boss?? Taylor- when can i start? It is seriously not fair at all.}

Then we went to Olive Garden. yum. It was really fun! I love how birthdays bring friends all together. Dinner was great. I filled up on salad and breadsticks and only ate around 1/3 of my actual dinner....
the waiter was kinda funny. Also, Taylor felt picked on because he forgot about him the entire night. haha.
We left and came back to my apartment where my roommates had a little party.
There were cupcakes and a cake! haha. and there were going to be waffle cake too but we decided we'd do that for breakfast instead. lol

allison is too creative. :D |
Melissa Q Whipple Hansen IV brought her wii and just dance. The best dance there was was the power ranger dance. all four that did that one were awesome! I really am awful at this game! I got 2 stars i think. At least i'm better at it than Taylor... he only got 1 star. :D
Lauren. I love the Camera. haha :D |
Well, because Taylor's a real grown-up with real bills to pay with his real job he had to leave relatively early because he has to be to work at the disgusting hour of 5:30 am. sigh. I tried to postpone this goodbye for as long as i could. But the time came. We walked to his car. And said our goodbyes, errr.... cya in 3 weeks! {but hopefully less!!}. To which details will be written in my journal and not on this blog.
I came back to my apartment after calling my seeeester Ashleigh. And now I think I'm deaf from how loud all my GF's can scream. Kevin {the only other guy besides Taylor that came over haha} totally was freaked out by it. haha. what a trooper.
Also, at 10:10 P.M. {the time i was born} We had a little celebration.
I talked to my daddy and mommy cause they called and left a message and thought i'd better call them back. and called my little sister. {we shared a little secret. She's a cutie. i miss her}
And now, after everything died down, am writing this blog and in my journal about the very day i turned 20. A day I don't think i'll forget. And one i'll probably tell my future children about one day. haha.
Well, I'm sure I missed some details like every were. Like-how awesome my friends are, and the work they put into today. Amongst a lot of others.
But, now i'm going to bed.
-Bri {the one that is 20 years of age.....and other such things}