Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The most Christmas decorated house i've ever been too!

Allison and I went to Brigham City on Sunday to visit her grandparents. And her grandma is crazy when it comes to Christmas decorating! I have never, ever, ever in all my life seen anything like it. Al told me that i should prepare myself for it. yeah, i had no idea. here are the pictures i took. {which does not do it justice in the very very very very least. this MAYBE covers 1/3 of it. MAYBE. but you can't even see the details of any of it.}

looney toones tree.

i swear, every one of the ornaments does something cool. they're not just sit there look pretty stuff.

the Disney tree.

full of Christmas stuffs.

why yes, that is special Christmas toilet paper. 
have you ever seen a bathroom this decorated??

cute lil allison.
 she had her whole bedroom decorated too. but i figured no one wants pictures inside their bedroom taken....

also, she makes these extraordinarily elaborate dollhouses her self. and they all sport Christmas decorations as well. Allison said she changes the decorations in the dollhouses for different holidays. She had an entire bedroom full of this dollhouse village!

this is ONE tiny little room inside ONE of the doll houses. look at how incredibly detailed it is! and ever room is like this! 
here you can see a little of the village.

even has a green house with real dirt!

love the wrap around porch. :D

and a school house.

i didn't take any more pictures after this because i felt embarrassed to take more.

but you get the idea. I can't imagine how long it would have taken for all the set up! i'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Well, i'm off to bed.

but i finished a present tonight! One that i spent a lot of time on and is really neat. :D

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