Sunday, December 11, 2011

Good Song and Funny yet scary Dream

My apartment watched Anastasia last night. This is the last song in the movie (which is ironic because it's title is "at the beginning"....). I have always liked this song. Super cute. And also I'm a sap.... but you already knew this. So here 'tis.

A few nights ago I had a really bad dream. I can't really remember the last time i had a nightmare. Anyways, i was working in the darkroom and i heard gun shots. So naturally, one would go search for where these sounds were coming from. Okay, a normal person would not. But it was a dream. Nothing is really ever logical in dreams.

So i go out into the work area of the photo lab. And then i saw the gunman. and guess what?? he SHOT me! have you ever died in your dreams before?? I had NOT! and it was so freaky! Well, i woke up and kinda had this weird gasp/ sit straight up in bed thing happen.

So, because as true as my name is Brianna, I analyzed said dream. {i've had a lot of dreams lately that i do this with....} And here are the things i came up with-

  1.  I love the photo lab so much i want to die there one day
  2. the photo lab will be the death of me
  3. I'm searching for death
  4. gunmen don't scare me
  5. i'm really stressed out because of photo and feel like dying when i'm there.
  6. i'd rather die than continue working in the photo lab.
i haven't really figured out which one it is yet... probably #2. 

but, if things were easy, they wouldn't be worth it. This is what i tell myself a lot lately. In lots of areas of life. 

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