Sunday, July 3, 2011

work adventures, bug bites, raining mud, and a baby cradle??

with a title like that one i better get to work on making this a good post. it's my 181st post. big deal right?

okay so at work i was ridiculously bored cause i was put on "west express" aka- outer darkness. Which i hate. because it is so boring. so.... i decided to make myself un-bored.

so i created the longest paper clip chain i could. i used all of them in the black basket thing-a-ma-bob and then i took this here picture.

i'm pretty sure i was not supposed to do this. why? cause even i'll admit it is fetchin' annoying when you go to grab a paper clip and they are hooked to each other. yeah. well sorry, when i have nothing to do except twiddle my thumbs {which i'd already done so long that they were twiddled out} or "face" the pop cooler which i faithfully did every time someone touched one the only thing left to do is create a paper clip chain. AND....

decorate the pen..... Because there had been 3 pens stolen that day already and i didn't have a sticky pen holder thing to keep the pen from being hoisted again.

So i put these flashy little stickers on it that said, "paid in deli" on them so the pen was a- so hideous that no one would even want to steal it and b-would not look like any pen they'd ever had so they wouldn't think it was theirs. but mostly just "A".

anways, i got a new name tag at work. It say's "4th year of serving you." Which if you think about it, it's more of "4th year of working for you" because i'm not there for free. I get paid. So i don't really get it. But whatevs. plus, it says on the little paper to a "valued" associate. Who knew i was valued. they must really like me or something. i doubt everyone gets a music note paper....

P.S. did you guys see that randy is growing a beard????
{he's obviously on the left}
it makes him look like a mountain man/whole lot older/weird. Bob and Randy were in the store when i was making my paper clip chain and they both said hi to me. i said, "sup" okay i really just smiled and said hi back. But i nearly asked them why there was no apostrophe in the name "Harmons" it makes no sense. there last name is Harmon. and it's THEIR grocery store, so why is there no apostrophe to show possession? It really irritates me. I feel like i'm going against everything i was taught by my English teachers working for them. But hey, i get paid so this is why i don't say what's on my mind.
OH! and i think my boss got fired. But i'm still unsure of the story. I didn't really know her so i am not happy nor sad. But i think the general consensus on the "Front End" is joy.

i designed my new debit card. it's legit and going to look like this-

and don't write that number down cause it's a fake one. But don't trust me, you are more than welcome to test it out. :D

I have 3 Mosquito bites. they bite. hehe. i think i got 3 total all of last summer. Hopefully this means i am done now. There'd better not be mosquitos in heaven.

And it rained mud. And Calvin, my black car, Shows mud very well. He's talented like that.
and here are a few random pictures from my cell phone i took this summer-

look how dry we are!
look how wet they are! haha.
this sign says something to do with don't put your bums in the garden unless your a bumble bee. so they put their bums in the "garden" of rocks. :D
And there is now a cradle in my living room..... Ash and Nathan? Can we please talk? Or, mom? is there a surprise???
quinton fell asleep in more weird positions. this couch is only like 10 feet from his bedroom. why he doesn't go there?? i do not know.

grandma sent me a box of my grade school art work. i think this is constellations. i think i liked the letter "n" better than "b". it was done purposefully for a dramatic effect.

Caitlin and i take cool pictures. we're babes.

and then i went to N.Y.C. you didn't know NY had mountains like this did you??

psych! this was at the Lehi Trafalga. :D

p.s.s.s.s.s. etc. sorry for the side ways pictures. i was too lazy to switch them around because i have to go to bed to wake up at the bum crack of dawn to go watch the Hot air balloon lift off. Which is highly romantic {and also UPS men are too... romantic that is. and cowboys too.} in case you haven't read, "the time of aspen falls" if only i had a boyfriend to go with..... oh, wait.......

gotcha again! :P

i cannot wait for Lagoon on Tuesday.

nighty night.
do your self and your mothers a favor and don't end up at the hospital for burns from fireworks. Oh, and Pray for our heroic soldiers for the 4th of july especially. What studly stud muffins they are.

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