Sunday, July 31, 2011

Baby Names & a traumatic fish story.

So my sister and i have a list {i know, shocker that i have another list} of names that we like for future childrens we'll have. We read them off to our familia after dinner tonight and i don't think my parents really like either of ours. it's kind of funny how many of Ashleigh's and mine are the same. i'll bold those ones for your viewing pleasure. and i'll tell you the reaction on some that i remember too.
I have a lot more girl names than guys names. is this a sign that i'll have more girls? As long as i have a boy first i'm fine with that. Why i want a boy first you may ask? Because i've always wanted a big brother. I only have one brother, he's pretty cool. He'd be a cool big brother. Em's pretty lucky to have a big brother. I want all of my daughters {it's bound to be more girls. cause boys are a very rare thing in my family.} to have a big brother.

here are the girl names. these are not in any particular order. but, i will say, my girls are most definitely getting middle names. maybe even more than one.


Lavender {really weird faces made here} i think it's cute! how adorable would it be to have twin girls and name them violet and lavender??? i think cute! then i'd paint their room purple. perrrrfect.

Vadynn- pronounced vay din. {ash has Vandi on her list. both V names}

Poppy {i don't think my parents like this either}



Paisleigh-as you have noticed the typical "ly" spelling of a name will not be used with my childrens. i think the leigh is more feminine and it's kinda after Ashleigh's name too.






Saffron- mom said, "what are you trying to start a new spice girls girl?"


Quinton said, "do you have any non-plant names?"
haha. i never noticed this! but i think they're cute names!

and here are the boy names. like i said, very limited. Boy names are hard. i think there are so many of the same name and it's hard to be unique with them because you don't want them to sound girly.

James- this one is the first born son's name of both ash's and i's {and even emilie if you can believe it} and Quinton's middle name, and Grandpa's name. To say the least, it's a fav of everyones. hence why i'm cursing ash to have all girls till i get married and have a son first. i'm calling all of Ash and Nathan's sons Bill. Because then he'd have a theme song for his name. Then he could really love science too. it's perfect.

Rider-let's be honest, this is a cowboy name. and i love cowboys. So, if i don't marry a cowboy named Rider, i'm naming a son Rider. And apparently ash is too. haha.



Hudson- dad said, "like the body of water?"

Piercen- personally love this one. super handsome name.

Rogan- "it sounds like Rogane" {i don't know how to spell that word} but i don't think so!

obviously i'm not too too much into the whole average names. I like unique names. I grew up not having too many Brianna's in any school or class i was ever in. Ash on the other hand, had a million and 3/4. the only thing that set her first name different than any other was the spelling. Same with Emilie. I am a fan of unique/non over used names.

and my husband will have little say. :P jk, he'll obviously just love the names i choose because who doesn't love all those names?? :D

is it weird that i have a list saved on my computer that i add to titled "future baby names list" ? even so, i think it's a grand idea. What are your favorite names? Who else does this besides Ash and I??

Do any guys do this? or is it a girl thing mostly?

i have a tramatic experience to share with you.

you know my handsome fish, whisk? {cool name huh?} He's a Male Beta. Well i was changing his fishy bowl water like i always do on Sundays and when i was straining him from his old water to his new water, he decided to disobey my wishes and jump out! so then i had a scared whisk flopping all over the counter and i didn't know how to pick the poor guy up! {You could tell he was scared because of the look on his face, clearly!} but how do you pick up a semi-flat slimy thing that is squishable? okay let's be honest, i was more traumatized than he was! i was literally screaming and everyone rushed into the kitchen to see what was going on} and it took me a good 10 seconds to get him back to water. If only he'd just listen. he acted as if we've never done this before. gee whilackers.

And he was DEAD!!!!!!

okay, i only thought he was dead cause he didn't move for a long time. mom said, "you knocked the water out of him!" {get it, like knock the wind out... never mind, probably one of those "had to be there moments" that so often happen to me. then when i go to retell it i get blank looks of "how do i respond to that"}

Anyways, Whisk is alive. I'm not sure how well he's doing still though. he doesn't really move as often as he usually does.

Who knows about beta fish health? Should i take him to the fish doctor? is there even a such thing as a fish doctor? would this be a marine biologist? geez. so many questions i have today!

And here is a list of random things i did this week-

  • took a feather out of someones hair. I'm glad he asked me to because it was kinda funny lookin. But it was a really funny experience. I enjoyed it. haha
  • listed my first item{s} for sale on ebay
  • drove all the way to layton {more than an hour!!!} to eat at Popeye's to find that we could not eat at it because it's on the durn military base!!!!!!!!! Worst news of my life. if you've never tasted their chicken you have not lived. you know KFC? yeah, well that is like eating dirt compared to popeyes. i miss food from the south.
  • transported plants from orem to springville
  • got my bangs cut
  • had a cold. who gets a cold in the summer? maybe i should call them a hot. it's not very cold in the summer. who came up with that name anyway? maybe we should just stick to calling it a virus. or sick.
  • got a bruise on my left pointer finger nail from i have not a clue what.
  • over analyzed. {shocker}
  • counted my mosquito bites. i have 13. I'm so going to die of west nile. Do people East of the Nile not get this? I just don't understand how some things get their names. Like "drive way" normally people park in a drive way.
  • made emilie smell a leaf during a photo shoot i did of her.
  • got to 21 days left till moving back to Logan!
all around an excellent week.

peace out girl scouts. {and boys too. but i think more girls read this than boys.}


Chrisanne said...

Um! I DO! Haha, I love that most of those names sound like they could be main characters in a Marcia book! Here's my list:
Lucy (duh, Chronicles of Narnia)
Amelia (milly) Grace
Beatrice (how cute is the nickname Bea???)
Names I like, but am not set on
Hazel (that goes along with your thing for plants!)

the end :D

Tina said...

Advice someone gave me on names is this: Stand on the back porch and yell the whole name and if it sounds good use it. She said at some point you will yell for your child and it should sound like it goes together. That is why I have a Benjamin Thomas and a Joshua Michael.

I hope your fishy is alright.

Brian and Anna said...

PAHA.. You are such a goof.. :)