Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My dream and passion- photography

So one thing that i do when i have spare time is blog stalk my favorite photographers. I have a list that is waaay long. I love seeing how much they've accomplished and that a lot of them started out the same way that i have/am. So recently i've been thinking about what i want to do/ where i want to go with my photography. and this is what i have come up with-

I want to own my own studio. But i won't use it everyday and i've wished that there was a studio that would rent time to photographers to use. And then one day, i happened upon this studio that does just that! And thought to myself- self, you should soooo do this! So now, when i start a studio i think i will rent it out. But i'd have to make sure the photographers knew what they were doing and how to work the equipment first..

I want to own a successful portrait business. My favorite type of people photography thus far is weddings. Love them. I would really love for most of my business to be of weddings. Since i was a little girl i have loved to go to wedding receptions and i still do. It's just as fun to be the photographer at one that it is to be a guest there. So it's perfect- wedding photography.

I want to do an internship in either, NYC, Chicago, LA, London, Paris, or somewhere in Italy with a high up fashion photographer. I am really interested in learning more about this style and am going to focus on this in my studio photography class next semester. i want to try it and see if it's something that i would like to do with photography as a career as well. I don't really want to live in the places where a fashion photographer would have to live so i've been thinking that i could maybe be a small business fashion photographer. Like for locally owned clothing companies and businesses.

Also, i'm going to be shadowing a food photographer for Harmons next month and want to see what that is like. Because a lot of times food photographers just do once a month shoots and that would be something pretty cool to learn how to do. Plus, i like to cook and would like to learn how to take better pictures of stuffs i make.

I'm going to be taking a few newborn shoots next week and am also excited about this. i just wish that i had a studio to do these in instead of just manipulating the natural window light. I Love looking at newborn photography. Babies make my heart melt and i really would love to be able to capture them in this way. I have only done two baby shoots, and they have probably been the most challenging shoots i've ever done. By far.

Photography is my passion! I love being able to stop a moment in time. A moment that will never happen again. The passage of time is continuous and unrelenting, and photography stops that moment forever inside my camera.
I fell in love with photography my sophomore year of high school and decided because I loved it so much that I would major in it.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I took that picture! :)

I love that you love photography. And the fabulous thing about it is that there are so many facets to it and that it changes so much that it is impossible to be done learning.

There is this cool fashion photographer named Lara Jade. She's based out of London & has some cool, edgy stuff. I'm not that into fashion photography myself, but I think her stuff is rockin'. Check out here stuff - http://www.larajade.co.uk/ - & I think you'll love it, too!

Good luck with all of your projects & goals! :)