Friday, July 15, 2011

my childhood favs

I made a list of cool things i could blog about... but i lost it!!! So i made this list of things i should blog about. and then i lost the list. I'm very sad about this because i had some good ideas that you'd probably like. So instead of writing about cool things i'm going to give you a short list of things i liked as a little kid-o.

the book called "Harry the very dirty dog"

bananas. {which i now detest}

McDonalds french Fries. i called them "fuhfies"

my blanket.... okay not only as a child. i still love my baby blanket.

having my grandpa push me on the swings and "send me to the moon"!

going on adventures with ash. And our club house/eastwood times/ her eating BOTH strawberries/getting married together/swing set circuses.

Arthur the Aardvark and dorawinafred too.

putting my mother's make up on myself.

dressing Quinton up as a little girl "look mom deeeena brown is here!"

throwing the tennis ball in a paper sack for my grandma's dog, Tiffy.

slug hunting with a salt shaker

picking cherries from grandpa's cherry tree

swimming to the spring canyon buoy's and swimming to the bottom and grabbing sand.

sitting in the walk in freezer at the R&A cafe with my BF Karah

YMCA preschool in California

Drinking milk out of a plastic bag at ash's kindergarten

being in a giant bubble

cooking with grandma cobb

crawfish boils

messing ash's shoe pile up.

"the little master" 's BLUE trophy.

kraft macaroni and cheese. especially the swirly ones. but i didn't get them as often. :'(

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