Tuesday, July 26, 2011

that picture you've been waiting for, and s'more lists, Oh! and a poll..

I have no idea what to blog about. dumdedumdedum.

okay so because i'm really good at lists i am going to make a composite of all the things i have to do to get ready to leave for school-
  • edit Ashleigh's wedding day pictures {because i've put it off for 4 months and still am trying to figure out why...}
  • edit melody's newborn pictures
  • do a photo shoot of Quinton and Emilie
  • edit said photo shoots
  • sell my metal canister and reels for the darkroom to buy plastic ones because i am really bad at using the metal ones.
  • order film for my studio class.
  • go through boxes i left at home this past year and give most of it to DI
  • go through boxes still packed from last semester and figure out the stuff i don't need to bring so i don't have so much stuff that goes unused at school
  • get my bangs cut again. {tonight at 8:20}
  • transfer all of my pictures on my laptop to my external hard drives so that my computer has more space.
  • print new pictures to go into my new picture frames that are cool colors to decorate my apartment with. :D
  • find a rodeo and go to it and then find a cowboy there. {or at least the going part. ;) }
  • wax Calvin, my car.
  • go to the roberts craft store and buy supplies to make my journals for the next year.
  • make those journals even better than the year before. {which were really awesome!}

  • survive 27 days of counting down

  • tried curry.
  • match made.... welllll..... it's on it's way.......
  • first summer cold. :( boo!!!
i think that's enough with my lists.

and because i love you people, i am going to post 2 funny pictures-

sorry but i couldn't help myself with this one. Kraig and I on cliff hanger. i love his face here. hahahahahahahahaha.

this is my niece, i came home to her sleeping in Emilie's bed like this. both of her hands were between her thighs and her legs hanging off the bed. note the journal i made her on the bottom left side of the picture. i made it for her for her baptism and she has written in it every night since then. like aunt like niece. i'm so proud. :D I love this little girl. She pretty much my favorite. :D

p.s. my dog snores real loud sometimes. like right now while she's laying next to me. it's real funny.
p.s. i am going to make a poll on here, you should vote in it.

it is entitled- which of my fabulous blog posts is your favoritists. {most favorite}

the first 3 are the ones that i have the most hits on-

adventures of finals week {which probably is the #1 because it's the first picture i put up of my new hair cut....and people like to look at my hair or something.?..... yeah never mind, i have no realistic idea. :P} this is about the adventures i had during finals week. haha

Ashleigh's engaged! this title is pretty self explanatory. i think a lot of people came to my blog to read about it because ashleigh was too busy making out with Nathan to make a post of her own. although, if you want to read a really funny post by ash of nathan's first proposal attempt you should read this and if you want the real one, read this.

The long awaited post- my kissing list! which i'm pretty sure got a lot of hits because it's about kissing {number one} and i think that a lot of guys secretly want to know of some good ways to kiss a girl. JOKE! i doubt that last one was one of the reasons. anyways, i'm a fan of this post.

and the next ones are my favorites....i think. the ones that don't have too many hits but are the funniest to read about. let's just say- they are under-appreciated.

being smart in college is easy. {MY PERSONAL ALL TIME FAVORITE} i'm telling you what's in it, because it'll ruin the grand surprise. okay i'll tell you. it involves public restrooms and TP. and other things.

when my thumb felt like falling off. this one is about a time that a frozen can of pop exploded and hurt the feelings of my cute lil' thumb. don't make fun of me, it's a true story! not even "based on a true story"

nude man, eating slugs, first win, and fun weekend. this one is pretty self explanatory too. only this one is real good because i won my first ever game of just dance. heh. which in itself makes this a good post. but mostly because it also has some pretty grandly hilarious stories.

yes mom, my liver is fine. this one is about some good and bad things about this week. a lot about my adventures in the photo lab. which honestly, i miss very dearly. almost as dearly as i love my liver that was fine.

so anyways, once again you should read them and then vote. over to the right! :D

infinite X's and O's.

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