Monday, July 18, 2011

AND my blog get's a new facelift. And Craig get's a haircut. And lauren sporting my purse stuck on her fingers.

So i designed this new banner in PS. {photoshop helllloooo}
this is how long it took- A long time x16.16 But it's cute, no?

anyways, i like it.

and in honor of the facelift, i will show you a funny video of craig cutting his hair. you can see it at this lovely site called youtube.

Also i really enjoy this one and this one.

so strange things of the past few days-

someone told me i had a nice singing voice.... i don't think i've ever been told this.
also, some random guy that came through my line today at work told me i was beautiful. And he wasn't even an old man or my dad! made me feel nice. :D

Lauren Super glued her fingers to my purse. Here's the story- we were at a fireside, that was really really good. the lady is the great great great granddaughter of Joseph Smith the prophet. Anyways, she was playing with a bead on my purse and it fell off. so then she had to locate it under my chair and when she got it back, she tried to put it back on and then i told her i had super glue in my purse. {i'm like a boy scout- always prepared} and so she gets it out, squeezes it and this is what happens- the bead doesn't stick, but 3 of lauren's fingers did! hahahaha! so now i'm laughing as quietly as i can because we're still in a supposed to be reverent environment and then she ends up having to rip her fingers off. and with it, came some of my purse. hahahah! it was so funny. she then said, "i didn't know that super glue stuck to skin!" gotta love lauren.
with my purse on her fingers

we also made this beauty

we put gum wrappers over the gum package. We're real creative and amazing.

i went bowling and got a score of 31. :D
i bowled like this-
and this


and here are some random pictures of the past few weeks that i quite enjoy.

i love this so much. once again, i didn't didn't flip the picture. sorry readers.
Q sleeping with Kandi, who turns NINE tomorrow!!

and this is a cart full of gum boxes. i put ALL of this gum away. it took around 4 hours. i quite enjoyed it actually!

i went to Lagoon again. and i was the only girl in the group. And it was very interesting. it was fun, don't get me wrong, i just never ever am the only girl. and i learned a lot about guys. Like what a blue dart is.... which i'd be fine if i didn't know what that was. And a lot of other things that i noticed. very informative day.
and then Kraig insisted on getting the pig. And i rode on a horse. cause ya know, to marry a cowboy, you have to be able to ride a horse... even if it's a plastic one. same difference.

my sister em, makes some serious writing mistakes and needed this eraser. it weighs like a pound!!

and i saw these license plates and kinda had a freak out session. so i car stalked them and took the pictures. this red car almost ran me over. i was walking in the parking lot and they were backing up. so naturally instead of running out of the way, i pulled out my camera and snapped a picture of their license plate.

and this one i made Lauren stop so i could take a picture. I'm seriously happy with my finds. Next license plate i see that's cool i'll post it for you. be on the edge of your seat. i tend to find cool ones. :D

and this is all for now. because i have bowl of this delightful stuff waiting in the freezer for me.
i highly recommend it. :D

1 comment:

LaRena Joy Parmley said...

Don't know if you know any of the Sackett's (Parents: Cory and Debbie, Children: Alan, Michael, Scott, Eric, and Megan), but that red SUV is theirs. lol : )