Tuesday, June 28, 2011

who wants to name the title? "Not I says the dog"

go watch these you tube videos. you won't regret it.

{can someone please let me know how to get the video to just connect
to your blog post instead of having to click on the link??}

haha. Gotta love people who have too much time on their hands. :D

i wish i could make a funny movie.

well i did. this one time me betsy and sara made a music video to billy joels "up town girl". and it was the bestest thing of life. only i don't have possession of it. it's on papa's computer and we can't get it off. but just rest assured it would win an oscar or grammy or emmy or whatever those things are called. Some really cool award that everyone would be jealous of. :D

this is all. oh, and melissa Q was in town tonight and we got ice creams the size of alaska. :D here we are. Such babes.

{i need my bangs cut. yet again. you never quite realize how fast your hair really does grow untill you get bangs. oy. }

it was a much needed IHBN {aka i hate boys night} or also IHFSN. {i hate fuzzy socks night}

and in closing, "Do we even need plates??" :D

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