Sunday, June 19, 2011

Finding "X" is sorta like finding Waldo.

So i could have put "pictures worth a thousand words", but some of these aren't really worth that much. so how about "pictures worth "x" words" you can decide what "x" equals for each of these pictures.

Anyways, here's the story of my last few days in pictures {and maybe a few words}

here is emilie reading. {she reads like 5 books a day, no kidding. you should see the stack of library books in our house!} kandi loves it when we sit down and will pet her. haha.

to quote ash from her facebook- "This pretty much describes Quinton's entire life. Sleeping in odd places and positions. Apparently he was too tired to move the laundry basket so he snuggled with it instead."

jo was telling my mom where to set things up while kandi was beggin caitlin for her lunch that she didn't want but was eating because grandma told grandpa and her no milkshake till she was done. haha.
she cracked the egg and it spilt out on the counter instead of in the bowl. so then she dropped the shell in the bowl instead. haha.
i love this little girl! we're pretty much BFFFF's now.
quinton was having a cow about this bruise on the apple. "WE HAVE NIKE BANANAS! you HAVE to take a picture of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x10000000"
sign i saw at work
hey look at me! top agent at work!
hehe. :D
yeeeeeeahhhhh booooy! :D
when ash has a baby, i'm getting this bib for my niece/nephew..... i guess i could have caitlin wear them...
lauren did my hair. what a little gazelle she is.
okay, honestly! if i don't own one of these soon i might die. SLAP WATCHES!?!?!?!??! ingenious idea. i think the 90's are coming back. flarp came through my line at work too. oh, and those weird jeans are coming back too. AND belly shirts. our poor country.
clearly i was bored at work, because i made a snowflake out of a baby wipe. and the best news- i hung it up and no one has taken it down yet. :D if you go to harmons, i think it is hung up at check register 8 or 9. :D
apparently glen beck is having a yard sale......
i bought me the best drink of life-TEXAS TWISTER

so i bring a lunch to work. well i brought some fruit snacks and they were put in the fridge with the rest of my bag. so i go to eat them and they were hard as rocks, so naturally i put them in the microwave and forgot about them.... so they were in their for 30 seconds.... and this is what melted fruit snacks look like. i do not recommend this because a- it will burn your tongue. b-it is very stringy and will be all over your face. it hardens as soon as it touches something cool. so when trying to not burn your fingers you use a spoon, it sticks and then you have to gnaw at the utensil as to not waste the food because of the starving children in Africa. that was quite an adventure.

I hope i have some real adventures to write about next week. and ya know, other things too.... like M&M's would be niice. :P

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