Tuesday, June 14, 2011

exciting title inserted here.

So, i haven't really blogged about life lately. Here's why. Summer makes me work a ton to make money for the next school year. I work nearly every night/evening and that is when i usually blog the best. I'm just not very into morning blogging. No idea why. But, this is a morning right now.

also, there's been a lot more going on. I met some kids that i've been doing some things with so that's good. And i took my brother and 4 of his friends to the movies.... yeah, that was an experience. They're really funny kids. During the the "main" kiss of the movie, they all stood up and were cheering! haha. The guy that was accross the aisle from us was pretty consistently ticked about the loudness of us. I wasn't exactly being quiet either. My friend, Kraig, and his bro and some friends came too. And no, Melissa Q. W. III, I wasn't "talking" haha. you wish... no actually, I wish. {it's so funny to me that I still use our quote wall quotes. :D}

My niece got baptized too. I gave her a journal and she's been writing in it. She's going to follow in her aunts everyday writing habit. *crosses fingers* she's such a cutie! I love having her here for the summer.

Ummm, oh! i went on an adventure with Lauren and Charlie. We saw a movie and then went to Target until they kicked us out. Because they were closing. what did you think it was for? it's not like we do dumb things....

ooh! and summer fest was fun! i got 7 cute headbands. Is it weird to say i think now that i have bangs, that i look good in those big bow headbands?? Well, either way, i just said it. I watched the parade through my camera. I hadn't gotten my DSLR out in about a week and i was having photography withdrawals. So i took a bunch of random pictures. I was trying for a more journalistic perspective this time. It was fun. here's a few of the ones i got-

I tagged along with Kraig and a few others for the fireworks. i shot a few of them in front of the ferris wheel. it was pretty fun. here's two-

and i'm calling this good enough for now. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer that you weren't "talking" ;)