Monday, November 28, 2011

loooong weekend adventures!

number of times i went to bed before midnight?
number of times i went to bed before 1?
number of times i went to bed before 2?
number of times i went to bed before 3?
number of times i went to bed in between 3 & 4?
number of times i went to bed between 4 & 5?
number of times i went to bed after 5?

It was a great weekend. clearly.   I got more sleep last night then i did nearly all nights of the break. haha. so much for catching up on sleep this weekend!......

some highlights-

*playing the organ and Piano with Taylor and singing my favorite Christmas song ever to him playing. {the Nativity song out of the children's song book} I'm pretty sure i could listen to him play for a long time. I like it.

*peanut butter bars run to Maceys at 2 am

*going to the mall with Em and 3 of her friends to Macys in the mall for a reason i'm not saying on here. But it was a good one. :D And i'm really glad i did.

*not doing any homework

*photo shoot

*dinner with taylor w/ ash & nathan at zupas

*hairspray music jam out session. classic

*modern family marathon

*scum, super scum, tub scum, with the fam

*running errands with dad

* animal fries with taylor. finally. we haven't done this since august.

*making dinner with mom.

*going to a movie with Q which he cried in!! and i did not.Christmas Miracle? i think yes.

*when taylor surprised me after he got off work with a DR. pepper and some good conversations till nearly 5 am.

*Deseret Book CTR ring looking.

*volcano bath fizzer.

*listening to Q speak in church

*listening to Em play a piano piece in church

*sunday dinner.

*bringing dinner to Taylor at work.


I sincerely doubt that i'll be blogging all that much the next 2.5 weeks because i have a ton of photo shoots! but... then again, i blog to procrastinate doing a lot of what i need to do. so....

here are some random pictures from the weekend-
saying bye to Charlie before he goes on his mission

my doggy loves Nsthan

family games

we do really cool things at walmart...
see the lady worker on the left? she thought we were insane.... pishaw.

here is taylor and i trying the volcano fizzer thing we won more than a month ago.
it was really anti climatic..... to say the least...

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