Sunday, September 11, 2011

My 9/11 Story

A what were you doing on this day 10 years ago story. Everyone has one. I could not tell you what exactly i was doing on just any day of any year. But on September 11, 2001 I could. I get scared in most movies that are even slightly "intense", but nothing comes close to the fear and sadness I felt watching the second plane crash into the tower that morning on the news. It really really terrified me as a 9 year old.

I had been looking forward to this day for a really long time because my grandma Cobb and my cousin were coming to Utah to visit for my lil' sister's Birthday {which is tomorrow, FYI. Everyone go tell Emilie happy 14th birthday tomorrow! which reminds me of how awful of a sister I am because i forgot to put her card in the mail on saturday!} We hadn't seen my grandma in several months which was entirely too weird because when we lived in Washington a few months before this we saw her every day.
i love the comparison to the Iwo Jima picture {which is
the most published picture in the history of photography}

My first worry, after hearing that the airports were being shut down because of the attack in New York, was that I wouldn't see my grandma that day! haha.

I didn't go to school that day because i was going to be going to the airport. But i ended up staying at home all day. The news was on all day long as pieces of the puzzle came together. i remember telling my dad, "can we change the channel for a little bit to something not so sad." to which we watched the Disney channel. But even "Even Steven's" or the "Lizzy Mcguire Show" couldn't get the image out of my head of the buildings falling or the 2nd plane crashing into the building.

I remember thinking to myself "How could anyone do this?" and i still wonder that. I don't understand how people could hate us so bad that would make them want to do this. And this, starting a war lasting 10 years now!

I am grateful for all the people that day willing to give their lives for our freedom. Those in the buildings and crashes, the firefighters and the police. I am so grateful for the military of our country, who protect this country,who go half way across the world, who leave their wives and children, who sometimes die, to protect the freedoms we are used to everyday.

I do not think I could ever forget that day, but mostly, I don't want to forget that day.

Here is a picture that was in the Salt Lake Tribune on the 15 of September 2011. It hangs on my fridge where it has been since that day. My grandma and cousin were in the first flight coming into the SLC airport. My sister Emilie {so weird that back then we had a different last name. it seems almost like i have had my last name now, for my whole life} and cousin, kyle, {and Quinton, who's head you can barely see} were hugging. so cute! i love this picture! So so weird that 10 years ago they were so little!
I found the article online, but they were going to make me pay over
2 dollars to access it! So here is just the picture from my fridge.

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