Friday, September 23, 2011

Cool people in my life (guess who's first?!)

This is a post dedicated to the cool people in my life.  We will go from coolest to.... less cool.
1) Miss Betsy Reeves.  She is the shiz.  Beyond the shiz.  There are not words in the English language to describe this individual.  We have been BFFE's since 10th grade, even though I wanted it to happen much earlier, 7th grade to be specific.  But I was weird in 7th grade, so I can't really blame her for not wanting to be friends.  But it's fine, because now I am cool enough for her to be friends with me.  Things that make Betsy cool:  Ummm... Where to start?  Sometimes she is really nice to people.  And she is way funny.  And she was an Italian model for six years.  Actually, I think it was 20 years.  She skied on the Bolivian Olympic Ski team for 16 years, and she was kind enough to go skiing with me one time last winter even though I was slower than cold tar.  She listens to good music, and she is always trying to better my taste in music.  Because sometimes I listen to garbage.  She also tries to encourage me to read uplifting books, in place of the junk that I read about cowboys that barely passes as literature.  One of the best things about Betsy is that she is way good at dancing.   That sexy body can move in ways that no one has seen before.  That sounds dirty, but it's not.  She is a wonderful, yet wholesome, dancer.  Betsy is also an excellent seamstress.  Do you know the big flag at Macey's?  The one the size of Texas?  She made that.  And designed it. I think.  But she sews a lot.  And someday I am going to buy her a really nice sewing machine so that her dreams can be fulfilled at our apartment instead of only when she goes home during breaks.  Some people do not fully appreciate the value of good quality chapstick, but Betsy is not one of those people.  Her chapstick is the BEST.  She has high standards when it comes to moisturized lips.  This list could go on forever, but I should probably move on to person #2.

2) Allison Palmer.  First of all,  this girl is a babe.  I have often considered breaking our friendship (or her nose) just so that I don't have to go everywhere with a friend who is so darn beautiful.  One bummer about Allison is that sometimes she gives wedgies.  But I guess that is just one of the breaks.  Allison is from Vernal, and everyone knows that people from Vernal are highly intelligent.  She knows all about dinosaurs, and rodeos, and.... exotic weeds.  She is a genius.  Allison seems harmless when you first meet her, but she is quite the vivacious and vicious Vivian.  Don't mess with this girl.  She also happens to be one of the best roomies ever (not counting Betsy, of course).  Allison also enjoys making people fat, yet very happy.  Fry-day Friday is a mouthwatering experience that people all over the world covet.  She is also an excellent dishwasher unloader.  She puts all of the dishes in the cupboard in the most aesthetically pleasing way.  It makes me want to not touch them.  She even does it when it's not her turn.

3) Ashleigh.  She's my sister.  I think she's having a kid or something.

4)  Most of the other people that I know.  Here's to you.  Except for that one kid that almost ran over Betsy on  her way home from work yesterday.  Curse you.

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