Saturday, May 14, 2011

Photography pet peeves, adventures of being home

So for the past 2 days when I wanted to blog at night blogger was down. bummer.

Two days ago was ex haus ting.

I visited my yearbook peeps and my very own high school photography teacher, miss tuttle. Love that woman. I showed her my portfolio from college and taught her a little bit about Ansel Adams “zone system” of death. It was great. And I must say, the cover to the yearbook is legit this year. I’m kinda slightly jealous of it.

I came home after that, checked my schedule for next week.{only 18 hours, yet again} L and then got ready to head to SLC for my bridal shoot. We went to the capitol and a park near the capitol. It was SO awesome! I wish I could post a sneak peak picture up, but I can’t because Erin wants her dress to be a surprise to her new hubby and everyone else. But don’t you worry your pretty little pants off, cause they’ll be posted shortly. :D

On my way to salt lake Emilie called mom to make sure we knew what exit to take. She said sixth south. And I said, “aw, shoot!” cause we’d already passed it. So we get off the exhit and then got back on the freeway and went backwards. And ended up in not salt lake. And then I discovered she must have meant 600 S. NOT 6000 south. Who knew there was such a big difference??! I’m kinda blonde sometimes. It was an adventure though. Haha.

One of my favorite parts of the shoot was this little girl {around 3} on her daddy’s shoulders said, “oh, hi! You look so pretty! Are you getting married?” Erin said, “hi! Yes, I am!” and the little girl responded, “aww!, so do you have a boyfriend?!” it was so cute! She had an adorable little voice and her dad was sweet too. Haha. Gotta love little kids.

Then on the way home, em and I grabbed some Arbys for dinner. {cause photo shoots take a lot out of ya!} we drove kinda into the middle of the ghetto on the wrong side of the tracks…. The arbys was seriously ghetto tastic and I was kinda afraid of it. But the worker guy was nice. Anyways I drank my dr pepper and there were like 20 sesame seeds in it. Does arbys even have buns with sesame seeds?? Or were these drugs in the shape of a sesame seed? If I’m dead in the morning please sue arbys on 1300 {I think…} south in Salt lake. Thanks.

I came home and I talked to Betsy on FB chat until creeper guy #2 got online and started talking to her. So she abruptly got off in hopes of making the guy think she got off before she saw the message. So then we talked on the phone for a while. You know what?? It tis hard to be away from your BFFFFF. Not cool, Not fun, Not fair, Not enjoyable. Just sayin’.

Next item of ward business- I was in the bathroom and I noticed this.

Never have I seen a cell phone in the tooth brush drawer. I wonder when my mom will notice it’s missing. I guess we shall see.

OH!! Quinton today was voted Student Body Presidente!! And he had to wear this ridiculous hat around school today. So here are some pictures that make us all wonder why people voted him to be this-

And here, is a picture of my pretty lilac bush. Although it’s nearly dead.

And then I saw this picture. And I couldn’t help but put it up for ya’ll to see. :D

So this is the portion of my blog {that I’ve never done before} and it will be about my biggest pet peeve.

Photographers. I think 80 percent of Mormon housewives at some point in their homemaking buy a nice camera, has someone create a website for them, and starts a “business.” I really don’t mean to offend people but lately it’s been driving me nuts! I’ll meet someone and they’ll ask what I’m majoring in and I tell them photography. They then proceed to tell me that they’re a photographer too. So then I ask them a few questions to see if they really know anything about it and 29.5 times out of 30 they have no clue. If you don’t know how to use all the manual settings on your DSLR camera, don’t know what an aperture and shutter does, how and why you change your ISO, and what white balance is, then you should most definitely not be charging people to take their pictures. Anyone can put the camera on auto everything and get a decently exposed picture but that does not mean everyone is a professional photographer.

If you love photography so much, want to make money off of it, and plan on doing it as a profession in life and you’re still in college, then major in it! If you don’t want to major in it, then you obviously aren’t as passionate about it as you are about your major. And if you’re not that passionate about it, then it should be left to the people who truly are. Crimanately people! Fine, do it as a hobby. That’s wonderful! But don’t self proclaim to be in business the second you buy your fancy camera.

If you’re not in college and have already graduated and then decide to be a photographer-take a class. Go to a seminar. Practice. Experiment, read the manual, research online, etc. That’s great. But gain some knowledge about what you’re doing before you put up pricing information.

It’s frustrating to see people with no knowledge of what they’re doing charging double what I would. And I’m not saying I’m the best and know everything there is to know. Because I know I have a lot of improving to do {college photo 2 taught me this even more!}, but I’ve been taking classes for 4 years now and just barely started charging less than a year ago {and for things I haven’t done much of, I still don’t charge!}, and knew nearly everything there was to know about my specific camera by that time. It took a TON of experimenting, learning, research, and a lot of practice. Stuff that all portrait photographers need before they are good enough to start a business.

Utah is definitely the place with the most “photographers”. And if I ever start a studio, it’d be hard for me to want to do it Utah because of this reason. It’s hard to compete when nearly 40 percent of the population is a “photographer.”

End rant. :D

Have a wonderful night!

P.S. My padre and I are going to go look for a car today! FINALLY! :D :D :D :D

P.S.S I GET TO GO TO THE EYE DOCTOR TODAY!!!!!!!!! So I hate going to doctors. But if I ever had to choose a favorite type of doctor, it’d be the eye doctor. They fascinate me. Every other time you go to the doctor the fix is never instant. You go for strep throat, it takes days to feel better. You broke your femur, it takes months to heal. You go cause you cut your eyebrow open on a dresser, it takes time to heal {and leaves a scar!}. You go for a tooth ach, your mouth aches for days. You go to give birth, {never done this yet but I hear} your out of commission for a while. If you go and it’s just a cold, there’s nothing they can do. Etc.

BUT with the eye doctor, you go for blurry eyesight, you leave seeing everything perfectly. It’s instantaneous. It’s wonderful. So, therefore I’m excited to go to the eye doctor. Cause my eyes aren’t done growing so they still change a bit every year. And my contacts will need to have the prescription changed most definitely this time. :D I can’t wait! :D it’s pretty much one of my favorite days of the year. I wish I were kidding you


Chrisanne said...

Girl, Brianna, I love you and all but really. Lets not be hating on those who are at least aspiring to something artsy when the rest of the world seems to put sports and such first.

Brianna. said...

i'm not hating on anyone that loves photography. it just bugs me when people try to start a business out of knowing nothing.
i think photography as a hobby is wonderful for everyone! And i think sports is also a wonderful thing for people as well. Not everyone should put art above sports, if sports are what they are passionate about.