Tuesday, May 10, 2011

i can't wait for-

I cannot wait for so many things to happen. here are the ones that i've been thinking of recently

i cannot wait until i have a successful photography studio and business of all my own. I cannot wait because then i will never have to work a high school/college kid type job again. I cannot wait to do what i love every day of my life. And this, my friends, is the beauty of following your dreams and majoring in what you love.

I cannot wait till i get a baby niece. I just want to hug and kiss and snuggle and love her and just AH! i just want a baby of my sisters. {not own} i so do not want a baby at this point in my life. One day though

I cannot wait until i can buy a car. how convenient it will be to not have to ask to borrow the family van, or to get a ride from friends.

i cannot wait to take my studio photography class. To learn more about lighting and to shoot more people and {better} gain my own style.

{sounds cheesy to some} I cannot wait to fall in love. I've always been a bit of a hopeless romantic and this is something that has always appealed to me. Love. Sounds so wonderful and so perfect. i really don't want to hurry into anything because i've loved being a single college girl but someday, i can't wait.

I cannot wait to have my own house. To sign my name on the paper and to live in it, decorate it to cook in it, and to raise my kids in it.
so i like looking at floor plans and house designs. i love it. and i found these beauties-

basically i love farm looking houses and large wrap around porches. forget the stucco. and shutters are good too. :D

and also, i can't wait for my second year of college to start.
I can't wait for the future. it's going to be great!

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