Tuesday, August 30, 2011

pros and cons of the day

so i have now officially gone to all of my classes for this semester once. i have a relatively good idea as to how it is going to be. STRESSFUL. I am going to be very very busy. and my wallet is going to be completely empty. sigh. so here are the pros and cons of my past two days

P-my english professor is a cowboy.
C-he's probably way too old for me {late 20's}
C-i don't think he's LDS. :(
P-i learned some new photo studio terms. like penumbra, peanut, gaffers, grips, and the best boy {not to be confused with the best man}, etc.
C-i have to remember what they are.
P-we had a slip n slide on the "grassy knoll" for FHE yesterday!!! :D
P-i am much more brave so i....
P-finally got the nerve up to talk/attempt to sorta flirt with a cowboy.
C-after talking to him for like 3 minutes i saw a ring on his wedding ring finger!. gee whiz. embarrassing!
P- i ate some otter pops.
P-i'm excited to take New Testament.
C-It is hotter than hades in Logan right now.
P-i'm ecstatic to take digital photo
C-my textbook is going to cost an arm and a leg. and i didn't even know i had to buy a text book for this class!
C-the book store doesn't carry it so i have to find it online.
P-i'm going to learn a ton in photo studio
C-it's going to cost a fortune
P- i got free "walking tacos" today for lunch. that is a little bag of Fritos with chili and cheese and sour cream.
P-i had a scotsman dog for lunch yesterday. they are heaven in a bun!
P-i've met a lot of new people
C-i can't remember everyone's name that i have met!
C-i haven't seen my family in a week
C-I miss someone.
C-i don't have a job
P-i didn't even have to look at a map to see where any of the buildings were that i had classes in!
P-i'm not a freshmen!!!!
P-I'm not 18!
P-I'm better at introducing myself and being confident.
P- I'm in my major!
P-I am pretty good at being a college student.
HaPpY tUeSdAy!

Old Main.

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