Saturday, July 14, 2012

The whole world shouts hooray!!

friends and family and foe and fuzzy creatures on Earth- I saw my dear best friend today!

You guys, she's like my 3rd sister. 2.5 months was torture!! I was so excited to see her today I nearly cried. {yes you already know I cry occasionally so it probably would not surprise if I really had}

I love this girl. LOVE her.

I know we'll be best friends for the rest of our lives. Even when we probably won't live in the same city the rest of our lives. Even when she's married. Even when we both have our own families and childrens. Even when we're having our mid life crisis es {crisi? crisises? crisis?} Even when we're grandmas and old and wrinkly wearing bifocal glasses and hearing aids. Even when we push walkers and crochet blankets. I don't think there's a pair of best friends quite as we are.

Anyways {there's that word again.}
I was excited to see her! and the world stopped and the whole world shouted hooray and the chariots of fire played as we ran towards each other. Okay, so not exactly. But did tenderly embrace. {I'm sorry, ya'll, we're not really that creepy, we're just BFF's.}

And, she had a ton of make up on. Which is unlike her. But it was because we were doing bridals tonight. I helped her put her dress on and it took forever because it's one of those corset threading ones. But, it was so good to catch up with her! So good to just be in the same room as her! Just to have my best friend close to me again. I can't describe how much I've been wanting to see her and talk to her and laugh with her! It was exactly what I needed this week.

It had been raining all day, and I was worried we wouldn't be able to do the pictures. Betsy called me and said something like I'm pretty sure this happens every time we do pictures together. When I did her and Jake's Engagements it rained. When I was doing a photo shoot last semester for school it snowed. and one time I'm pretty sure there was a monsoon or tornado or something. :P But, the heavens opened up and we got BRIGHT sunshine. Which was un ideal. BUT, I think I got some REALLY good pictures. I teared up a bit when I was going through them because her and Jake look so happy and in love and all that gushy stuff that I enjoy so much. Plus, who doesn't cry for all sorts of reasons when their best friend ever gets wed? No one, that's who. Maybe someone who doesn't have a heart, I guess. Really though, it made me happy to see her so happy today. You can see a few of the pictures from her bridals tonight here.

At the same time though, in all honesty, it's hard to see your best friend get an eternal best friend. But I know I'll still be a different kind of best friend to her than Jake will, so no worries.

I found out tonight that I'm pretty much in charge of setting up her reception. She'd told me earlier {like a month ago} this, but it kind of sounded like I'd just be helping.... So I hope that goes well.... Hope she likes what I do. Not that Betsy's that picky about this kind of thing, that'd be me. Which is probably why she trusts me with it. haha.

Funny story. We washed her wedding dress tonight. In the normal washer! here's the story.

Betsy's aunt used to work in a bridal store and this is how they washed all the dresses!! I about passed out when she told me 2 days ago she was going to wash it in the washer. Anyways, she flipped it inside out and then filled the washer up and then she hesitated and I could tell she was so nervous. She suggested we say a quick prayer and so we did. {another reason why I love this girl. seriously! Have you ever prayed over laundry? Welp, we just did} and then went to dinners. And Jake paid. What a nice lad he was.

We went back to her house to see her washed dress and guess what???
at dinners. :D

Prayers are answered! It was entirely and perfectly fine! To all you brides- wash your dress in the washer!! It'll save you hundreds of dollars.

And then she had to go back to Logan. Because she lives there. But I get to see her next weekend again. and then the weekend after that for her wedding. So it's fine, right?

and this is a conversation between one of my brother's crazy friends and I. He cracks me up. I had a dream one night that he and Emilie will get married one day. So, he's practically my future brother in law, right?


Unknown said...

She really washed it in the washer?! I have been meaning to get mine dry cleaned for a year and just am lazy, but holy crap if I can just use my washer that would be amazing!

Brianna. said...

she really did wash it in the washer!! it was crazy!