Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fear of- work, football, editing pictures, and Einstein....

Reality of Fear
You're not afraid of the dark-You're afraid of what's in it.
You're not afraid of heights- You're afraid of falling.
You're not afraid of people around you- You're afraid of rejection.
You're not afraid to love-You're afraid of not being loved back.
You're not afraid of to let go- You're afraid to accept the reality that they are really gone.
You're not afraid to try again- You're afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.

A friend of mine had this on her blog. I've never thought of fear this way before. It kind of surprises me how true it is too. 

I guess when it comes down to it, you just have to have faith that you can do hard things that you fear. 

This is the time in my blog where I take a few sentences paragraphs to complain for a bit. Because I'm certainly not perfect and am in a complaining mood. Okay, so it's not really that bad, just a little.

You guys, I'm kind of bored a lot these days. You see, I just got back from vacation where I just got to have fun all the time and didn't really worry about anything. And now, this is what my day consists of- wake up. put some make up on and do my hairs {which Is still fantastic to me that I can do this unlike on my trip!} then I probably edit a lot of pictures. {which in case any of you were wondering.... I finished editing a wedding I did! woohoo!} and then I probably do some dishes or help clean some part of the house. Then I beg ashleigh to let me go over to her house So I have something to do and also so I snuggle with my baby niece. Ashleigh's response to me always at her place, "you seriously need a boyfriend" Thanks Ash. And then I maybe go to work if I'm lucky enough to go to work that day to make some money. And then I may watch about Einstein on the history channel because I was that bored. Don't judge.
So, I need more friends here in Orem. All of mine are A-In logan, B- at their house for the summer, C- too busy working, or D- getting married/are married. So, if anyone else is in this same bored summer predicament, give me a call. I'd more than gladly do something with you. Even if we're not even that close of friends. Even if you're a stranger {as long as you're not a strange, stranger. :P}

I don't really like work these days. My first few days back were kind of rough.... 
not that it's hard work, or that I forgot how to do my job, or even that I forgot all the produce codes {because i remember produce codes like it's nobodies business!}. It's just every time I go to work, it reminds me why I'm going to college, So I don't have to do this job the rest of my life. Because it's not rewarding at all; it doesn't make me happy. Well, I'm rewarded with sore feet. It's just not my cup of tea can of Dr. Pepper, the grocery business that is. But I do love some of the people I work with. And some of the costumers are quite hilarious. And who wouldn't love wearing black shoes, black pants, black shirt, black apron, black everything? I mean, Gothic is the new "in", right now, right? ;)

I miss my logan friends. Living in an apartment complex with kids my age and activities always going on. I miss my school. Aggie athletic games. My student ward. etc.

This is all. I'm done now. And really am grateful to be at home where it's free rent and free food and that I get to see my cute little Gemma bear nearly every day. :D 

Also, can someone please explain to me why men play football?? My brother is the middle of "hell week" {I think... maybe that's next week?} Regardless, he has practices 2 times a day and without a doubt, he comes home with a new injury every time. He had a nail ripped off, bruised ribbs, ankle problems, something with his arms, and ice packs all over his body. And he says he's never been more sore in his life..... And yet, he goes back every day. twice a day. just to come home and get more ice and lay moaning and stinking up the house... I don't get it. It must be a guy thing. I just don't understand why people put themselves through something they know is going to cause them physical pain and injury... To each his own I guess.

Best news of my life time!!!!!!

I GET TO SEE MY BEST FRIEND IN ALL THE WORLD ON SATURDAY!!!!!!!! I haven't seen her in 2.5 months! A record since we've been best friends. And my lucky stars do I miss her soooooooo much! World, prepare yourselves, it's going to be epic. I can't even wait. 

I'm done for reals this time. 


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