Monday, February 6, 2012

Some goals of mine

This summer, as you all know, I'm going to Europe. Well, I have been thinking of goals that go along with it.

  • Read the entire Book of Mormon while i'm there. I'll be gone nearly 2 months. This is doable. 
While in Euorope i know that i'll be introduced to things that i've never been introduced to before and be tempted to do things i've never been tempted to do. I'll be away from home and with people I don't know as well as my friends and family here in utah. Along with this, it'll be the first time in my entire life that I won't be in close proximity to a man that holds the priesthood. Honestly, this makes me a little worried. If i've ever needed a blessing, I know there'd be someone very close that could give me one in less than a moments notice. I won't have that on my trip. Therefore, i know i'm going to need the spirit with me more on this trip than i ever have in my life. I know that reading the Book of mormon will help with this and I know will lead to an increase in my spiritual strength on this trip.

  • my physical healthiness goal. Not going to write exactly what that is up here cause it's personal. But, I've been doing really good at it this semester.
I want to be able to look back on the pictures i have of myself from this once in a lifetime opportunity for me to go on a study abroad and be proud of how I look. Right now, I can run farther, longer, and faster than I think i've ever been able to do, and i am actually enjoying it! {most of the time} I feel happier when i'm done, and I can start to feel like i'm actually accomplishing something. It's a good feeling.

  • Learn to make myself happy instead of basing my happiness on the opinions of other people. 
I like to make other people happy. I don't think it's a bad thing... I just am realizing that by doing this, I make myself unhappy sometimes. How i'm going to do this, I have no idea. I'm still working on it. I think it's going to take a lot of work though.

This is all for now.

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