Monday, December 5, 2011

New Stats. And how my apartment building is cooler than yours.

tests- 1

projects- 1

classes- 11

class days- 4

photo shoots to do- 7

costumes i still need to find for my shoots- 5

pictures to edit- 30 ish

pictures to print- 35 ish

final portfolios- 2 {that i'm combining into 1 big one.}

days till i go home- 11

papers- 1/2 {how does one cite the "For the Strength Of youth" pamphlet? Who is the author?}

presentations-1 {i have it done, i just have to present tomorrow}

freak out/stress sessions- i'm only giving myself 2 more.

I'd like to dedicate this part of my blog to "my ______ is cooler than yours because______"

tonight you get two! You lucky people!

My apartment building is cooler than yours because when sitting on the toilet you get to be in the rain. 
because apparently when the snow melts off the roof it comes through the vent in my bathroom in the form of cold rain. So there is a permanent puddle on top of the toilet lid. it's grand. 

my car is cooler than yours because not only does it get ice on the outside of the windshield but the inside as well! Double the scraping = double the fun!

Also, i'd like to take this time to tell you how good at match making i am. If you need a match made, ask me. Cause i'm pretty good at it lately! There's just one stipulation- you have to name your first born child {both male or female would do.... brianna could be a good male name, right? RIGHT!} after me if you end up getting married. Which probably could most definitely maybe happen!

This is all. i have to go work on a Christmas present for someone special to me. :D

p.s. do you remember my kissing list? well i have a few to add to it. But this will be for another time. 

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Oh, now I'm tempted to challenge you to match me up... but I won't... yet. But you have been warned, you might have met... (I was going to say match... but in the context it might mean something different...)