Friday, October 21, 2011

And this is why

And this is why i love coming home-

I'm sorry i didn't rotate the pictures to the correct orientation. this is still something i haven't figured out how to do in blogger and was too lazy to do it before i uploaded them. {and then you wonder why i like cooking, i get it from my mom. and then you wonder why i'm not tooth pick skinny}
one day, i'm going to be like my mom. Im going to have warm cookies waiting for my kids when they come home from school, and teach them how to make delicious treats that can heal any situation. Even if you're emotionally exhausted and have had a poopy week. There is nothing quite like coming home. I miss my family. And i've missed orem too.
Cute sugar cookies

and more cute cookies!

even our piano has decoration on it.

seriously, every spot in the house has decorations for fall and halloween. I love it!

my daddy has a billboard on state street here in orem!  
and on that note... i also filled out my absentee ballot form tonight. of course, i only voted for my dad. :D

And this is a rosa sauce with chicken and sausage and fresh parmesan. 

and this is what i made :D

the table. does this not look absolutely amazing??

My posts lately have been very picture-less. I have been too lazy to put  them up. so, here they are. 
did you know this?
a sign hanging on our wall of our apartment. allison made it, i drew the border.
Annie and I play tic tac toe together during class.
{We also watch Hitch}
the reason why the B is so big, because i won and didn't know it. so i
got really excited because i had no idea i had won!
this is a chemical in the photo lab. If i die, it might be because i was poisoned. 
my temple picture is framed and on my wall of religiousness. :D
the mustache party. maybe i'll try to grow a big mustache, i think i could pull it off. especially with my bangs looking like they do in this picture.... 
this is my 3 d design sculpture. and guess what? it made it in the display case!!
which kind of is a big deal! Go look in the FAV and you shall see it! 
this is billy. my pumpkin.
here's my shoe for 3d. and the shoe i modeled it off of is in the
middle so you can see how big the shoe actually is. those durn rhinestones took
FOREVER and a day to hot glue on. 
finished! I added the bow. 
my first worm at wendy's! with Lauren. I love that girl SO much. She is such a wonderful friend. :D i wish she was one of my roommates.

I just wanted to give a little shout out to my friend, Taylor. Last night I was having a girls night with Betsy, Anna {and her husband Brian....haha}, Tara, Annie, and Melissa, and Ashley. I walked into my house and there they all were. I was not in a particular happy or excited mood, but i was happy to see them there. Because i hadn't seen most of them in ages! Most of the time, girls night and ice cream does the trick. Not last night. Melissa was telling us all about her engagement story, and everyone had all these cool things to talk about and then everyone was youtubing these cute love songs that normally i would be "aww!" ing over but i just was not feeling it. I was leaning my head on betsy's shoulder and she was playing with me hair. She knew what was wrong and i was thinking to myself, "I can't do this anymore. I am going to go to bed." when i get a call. From Taylor. There is absolutely nothing in the entire world that could have made me feel more better than what he said right after i gave a week greeting of "hey". He said, "Brianna!! Did you know that you are a wonderful and beautiful daughter of God and that he loves you?" It was a good thing that before i answered i had begun to walk up the stairs because i lost it. There was absolutely no stopping the waterworks this time and i really didn't feel like explaining to all the girls downstairs what the problem was when they were all having fun telling their cute stories. He let me cry for a minute and then he said "for some reason i've been worried about you all day! what's wrong?" I told him i just needed to laugh and he promptly told me a pretty funny thing that happened to him the day before. And then we sang the mickey mouse club house song together like old times and he gave me some good advice. So, thanks Taylor. You're one pretty great friend! I hope i get to see him this weekend. 

p.s. i feel as if i should mention that i usually don't cry this much in one week. I don't know what is wrong with me.... okay so i do. But still, i'm not usually this emotional. and next week- i PROMISE i'll be back to my normal happy blogging self. :D

Here is we from the summer. the ONE picture i finally convinced him to let me take.

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